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From a home laboratory to a succesful company

Our Gaia Naturelle story

Hi! I'm Anja and I want to be young forever. Just like you who are reading this ;)

So begins the description of my story, which over the years has turned into our story, co-created with my employees at Gaia Naturelle.

I have always been open and honest about my story because I am aware that I am not the only one who is constantly facing internal struggles and I believe that my story can encourage someone to take their destiny into their own hands.

We all have these inner struggles, probably even you who are reading this. Maybe not the same as mine, but that does not make them any less important. Today I face completely different challenges, but one thing will never change.

 My honesty with my family, with my employees, and, ultimately, with you, who are buying my product or just thinking about buying it. I hope you can feel that from this note.

How did it all start?

It all started mainly out of my own need to keep looking youthful. Until I was about 25, I didn't even think about wrinkles, about aging skin, about an aging body.

Today, after three pregnancies and childbirths and all that that entails, it's different. I started to notice changes in all parts of my body.

When I was unemployed after my third maternity leave, I entered a world of new opportunities, entrepreneurship. Based on my experience and a strong desire, I focused on the anti-age industry and started developing natural cosmetics.

Knowing that no cosmetic can help if the skin is not nourished from the inside, we developed the Collagen Shot Premium dietary supplement, the recipe of which includes everything for a "good look" or for a more youthful appearance of the skin, hair, nails, and overall well-being.

Collagen has been the most effective anti-aging dietary supplement for more than a decade, and recently MSM has also gained great value in the beauty supplement industry.

I myself wanted a different product. A product that includes more active ingredients and that's how Collagen shot Premium was born.

But you probably already know all this. You can see my story and the story of the creation of Collagen Shot here. 

Where are we today? How did we evolve from a home workshop to a company that we have successfully positioned on the market despite the competition?

What Gaia Naturelle represents?

Gaia Naturelle is writing a story in which many people can find themselves. There are many providers of food supplements and natural cosmetics on the market, but... Our products are not just 'products', they are the result of a life journey.

Exploring options that could help me nourish my exhausted body, strengthen my brittle nails, curb hair loss and nourish my dry skin has led me to where I am today.

Our vision is to help people maintain a youthful appearance.

Maintaining a youthful appearance depends mainly on our lifestyle, eating habits, and exercise patterns. So dietary supplements are just the icing on the cake or the "cherry on top".

Where is Gaia Naturelle today?

My story started at home when I turned my children's room into a laboratory. Today, I have a thriving business with 6 employees.

Sometimes it probably feels like I've been in business for a long time. But I'm not, not for a long time. We are the ones who take care of the Slovenian part of Gaia Naturelle.

Tea, Tjaša, Tina, Tadej, Miha, Špela and me. Each with their own role, sometimes all in all roles. That's the way it is in small companies, and I think that's what keeps the spirit alive, when we are all for one, one for all.

It's probably also worth mentioning here that since a project ''Startaj Slovenia'' we have launched 8 new products and successfully expanded into many foreign markets. You can buy our collagen on holiday in Dubai, in Canada, in all the countries of the former Yugoslavia and more!

Thanks for wherever Collagen Shot is today must go to you, who have given my product a chance and shared your experiences. The countless positive responses and pictures I receive from you on a daily basis give me confirmation that I have created something truly remarkable.

On a personal note...

I am a mother of three children, a partner to one husband, and a researcher of new possibilities

My dearest Miha and I created three little kiddos. We are parents to eleven-year-old girl Gaja, seven-year-old Maks, and six-year-old Luka. In one word, our life is very interesting. I dedicate quite a bit of my free time to exploring life, I am very close to various "alternative methods" of discovering freedom and discovering new possibilities.

How Gaia Naturelle came to UAE?

I'm Sabina, a mom of 2 in my early forties. I'm from a small but beautiful country in central Europe, Slovenia, where Gaia Naturelle is home. I met Anja (the owner) about four years ago when my first business travel expeditions to UAE started. I'm very curious and always driven toward innovations and personal challenges by nature. So when I met Anja, we began to talk about the possibilities of bringing Collagen Shot to UAE. But, she said, Sabina, before anything, you need to start using Collagen Shot and 'feel' the product first. And this is how my 'journey' with Collagen Shot began.

After a month of everyday use, I started to notice first changes on my skin, all over my body. The skin was not dry anymore; it was like it had begun to regenerate and hydrate by itself. The more I drank it, the more I started to feel changes in my body, somehow all balanced. I've been consuming Collagen shot for more than three years without stopping. I don't have any health problems. My skin is better than ever before, and I can proudly say that Collagen has become my 'positive addiction' in my daily routine.

The more I started to learn about the importance of good nutrition, how essential nutrients are to develop healthy body processes, how everything first starts from within (beauty and health aspects), and how important is the right combination of active ingredients you consume daily. (to achieve desired results). So I decided I wanted to share my personal experience and bring the product to UAE.

Today I'm managing Collagen Shot (Gaia Naturelle) business in the Middle East, and I'm the one answering all your questions. I share my knowledge about ingredients and benefits via social media accounts and our achievements for all of YOU, our dearest consumers. We have recently joined our effort with our leading Slovenian company to deliver you an even better service and customer experience.

We all hope you will join us on our journey.

'Your body is your temple; treat it accordingly.'

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